Tuesday 7 July 2015

Day 25. Project Laureate - Family Sketchbook

Chris Riddell's 5 Point Plan
The inspiration for our Blog

On the inside.

We've been stuck with the slight difficulty of short nights during winter here in Australia. Whilst wanting to get outside and be drawing the beauty of the natural world, we also want to draw as a family. As Hubster doesn't get home until well after dark, we have to choose - draw as a family or draw outside. 

So, inside it is. And almost a month in, inspiration can be tricky. So, we turn to books, objects around us and the pictures inside our heads.

Today, I picked up a photo that means a lot to me. I really struggled. The photo was of my mum, dad and brothers. I've only managed to draw 50% of the people - and only their heads at that. I want to draw the rest tomorrow. 

I struggled, because this photo means a lot to me and I wanted to do the people in it, justice. I look at Hubster's ability to create depth that turn a flat line drawing into something very real. I look at the kid's drawings and they're full of energy, life and movement.

I think there's a spark of each person in my pictures, but only a spark. Although I do feel I'm getting a little better, I am impatient. I worry that once this month is over, the practice of drawing every day will halt and I'll never be able to get closer to where I want to be.

Once the month is over, we'll still draw as a family, but blog once a week. We all want to keep sketching, and we want to do it together.

Day 25 #ProjectSketchbook

Love William's croc. I think it's great that he's experimenting with colour.

Freya's Bling dragon - fab!

Someone has a new favourite game...

Hubster's wonderful drawing - so much depth, I could reach out and touch them.

Meet my family - well, half of them. More cartoon than I wanted, but I'd like to develop this more tomorrow. 

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